Kwon Jinkyu Atelier
The ‘Kwon Jinkyu Atelier’ was originally built by the eminent sculptor Kwon Jinkyu(1922~1973) for both residence and studio. Historically celebrated as “The father of modern Korean sculpture,” he spent his life-time trying to make a full use of his Western training for the vivid portrayal of Korean subjects, mainly of human figures, in terra-cotta and dry-lacquer. By the bequest of Kwon Kyung-sook, his younger sister, the atlier has been entrusted to the National Trust Cultural Heritage Fund since 2006. After a considerable restoration work it was open to the public in 2008. An annual artist-residency program and a biannual exhibition are currently in operation.
Opening Hours :
Open twiche a month
(The schedule may change depending on the circumstances of the Atelier. Please check the notice.)
Visit Reservation : [click]
(You must make a reservation in advance. And if the booking is less than six, it is not opened.)
Admission Fee : 3,000 won
Contact : +82-2-3675-3401~2 OR
Address : Kwon-jinkyu Atrelier, 2-15, Dongsomun-ro 26ma-gil, Seongbuk-go, Seoul
※ Kwon Jin-Kyu Commemorative Foundation